Akuntsu (Full Documentary)
Our cameras are the first to travel to Rondonia, a dangerous place in the heart of the Amazon. In this setting, we will witness the bloody conflict between natives and landowners for possession of the land. Alongside the six members of one of the smaller ethnic groups involved, the Akuntsu, our team carried out a study, revealing the web of political and financial interests engaged in this conflic
Amazon Planet (full documentary)
The giant Amazon, has since its birth in the Andes to its mouth, 6868 miles, the equivalent distance between New York and Berlin. We begin our journey on Brazilian lands, Tabatinga.
We full ourselves with nature and immerse us in a beautiful and rewarding journey flying over the Amazon River. We will check that this water-flow not only carries water, also blood of men and women who inhabit the pl
Isolated: The Zo'é tribe (full documentary)
This series (Amazonia: Last Call) travels across Brazilian landscapes by way of one of the main links still binding the essence of humanity with the Earth: the Amazon.
The filming of the first point of contact with an isolated race, the Zo'E, the encroachment on areas of the Amazonian forest previously uncaptured on film, the evidence relating to the development of the illegal trafficking of spe
Isolated - ¡Now in High Quality! (Full Documentary)
The tribe Zo'é shows his way of life and their perception of the world. We will know the identity of this isolated village through their daily actions, we will see how is your relationship with the environment around them and with their own kind.
We will live for several months along with 184 members of this ethnic group, one of the last groups living in the countryside, ignoring our history and
The New Atlantis Full Documentary Illuminati New World Order Black Magic Occult Must See
Incredible documentary that links everything together - black magic, occultism, illuminati, new world order. I do not own the rights to this, I a merely pass...
The New Atlantis Full Documentary Illuminati New World Order Black Magic Occult Must See
Incredible documentary that links everything together - black magic, occultism, illuminati, new world order. I do not own the rights to this, I a merely pass.
The New Atlantis FULL DOCUMENTARY Illuminati New World Order Black Magic Occult Must See
Best Conspiracy Documentaries
Isolated: The Zo'é tribe (part 1)
The tribe Zo'é shows his way of life and their perception of the world. We will know the identity of this isolated village through their daily actions, we wi...
The men of the Fifth World (full documentary)
The aboriginal culture of Australia, includes a large number of tribes inhabiting the oceanic continent before the arrival of the white man. But all that rich culture is doomed to survive in stocks in which its people are destined to extinction.
In this episode one of the elders that preserve aboriginal culture will show the most important elements of a culture that struggles not to disappear.
Isolated - ¡Now in High Quality! (Part 2/5)
The tribe Zo'é shows his way of life and their perception of the world. We will know the identity of this isolated village through their daily actions, we will see how is your relationship with the environment around them and with their own kind.
We will live for several months along with 184 members of this ethnic group, one of the last groups living in the countryside, ignoring our history and
India: A place, a sensation (part 2/3)
A long stimulating journey in which a lot of things happen. The experiences of a curious and intrepid traveler who travels Australia, Japan, India, Malaysia, Thailand and Vietnam showing your own feelings through this long journey inspired by classic travel literature.
In this case, the destination is India. Follow our host into this exciting, deep and magic land.
Religion, exotism, extravagancy,
ILLUMINATI: ILLUMINATI SECRETS - The New Atlantis - full Documentary 2015 HD
FREE 2.5 HOUR MOVIE from UFOTV® Accept no Imitations! - WINNER for Best Documentary from the New York Film Festival, The Los Angeles Film Festival and The Tele Awards. Discover Ancient Secrets of the Illuminati that affect our lives today in this Award Winning Feature Film which is the first film in the "The Illuminati Trilogy Series." This is by far the best Feature Film ever Produced on the Hist
The End of the Amazonia (full documentary)
This is a metaphorical journey through the Amazon delta and the problems that threaten its future as great living river. We will see the work of archaeologists in Marajó Island, emerged right at the mouth of the river where there was a people whose culture still remains secret. We will also know how humans and wildlife adapt to this situation of antagonistic but complementary match between the riv
Atlantis - National Geographic Full Documentary 2014
Welcome To My new Channel Documentary ! like subscribe for more video
documentary on lions,
lions documentary 2012,
lions in africa documentary,
lions of africa documentary,
animal hunting, in africa,
BBC wildlife, documentary full,
lions movie,
lions animal planet,
documentary lions,
african savannah, documentary,
lion africa,
animal planet,
national geographic; documenta
Africa religion: Adam's apple (Full Documentary)
Ethiopia is a Christian island surrounded by Muslim countries and Harar is other island within that island: a difficult city for sorting, the fourth holiest city of Islam with almost a hundred mosques within its walls, and the place where the poet Arthur Rimbaud chose to refuge in his flight from Europe. Here women control on the street the sale of khat, a plant with stimulant powers that sets the
Mekong, the river of nine dragons (full documentary)
The Mekong is one of the great rivers of the world. Born at 5000 meters altitude in the Tibetan Plateau and after crossing China, Burma, Thailand, enters in ...
Voodoo (full documentary)
The slave ships during the XVII and XVIII century transported millions of colored people from Africa to America carried within it the seed of a religious cul...
Ambassadors of the Jungle (full documentary)
Among the high peaks of Papua New Guinea, upholstered in thick jungles, ethnicities inhabit the lands that inspired all that terrible sailors' stories at the...
Sahel: The Heartbeat of Life (full documentary)
Sahel is a land of encounters, the end of one world and the beginning of another, the narrow belt that closes the gates of the desert and opens the heart of ...
Los límites de la ciencia (Documental Completo)
Los avances científicos de los últimos cien años ha sido tan numerosos y espectaculares que han llevado a algunos a pensar que estamos ante el fin de la ciencia. Frente a estos, la mayoría de la comunidad científica cree que aún queda mucho por descubrir. La ciencia se enfrenta a muchos límites, algunos de ellos tecnológicos, otros éticos. En este documental analizaremos cómo ha cambiado la cienci
White on black (Full Documentary)
For the western white man, Africa has represented the geography to house the universe of his darkest myths. No continent has been so foreign to him. His relationship with it has been superficial and conflicting, rarely from the integration, equality and respect. Whether as tourists, aid workers, technicians or settlers, white in Africa, even today, inhabits islands that protect and separate him fr
The mountain of mystery (part 4)
South of Venezuela is a region dominated by large rock formations in the Precambrian era surrounded by the largest virgin forest in the world. Is Guayanes Ma...
Hombres del mar (Documental Completo)
Un tercio de la población de Mauritania vive, directa o indirectamente, de la pesca artesanal. Bamba Fall, un pescador sindicalista, nos invita a conocer la agitada actividad del puerto de Nouackchott: las trágicas historias en la mar de viejos pescadores, las duras labores de pesca, las artes de la herrería a partir de materiales imaginativamente reciclados, la venta del pescado por parte de intr
Akuntsu (Full Documentary)
Our cameras are the first to travel to Rondonia, a dangerous place in the heart of the Amazon. In this setting, we will witness the bloody conflict between nati...
Our cameras are the first to travel to Rondonia, a dangerous place in the heart of the Amazon. In this setting, we will witness the bloody conflict between natives and landowners for possession of the land. Alongside the six members of one of the smaller ethnic groups involved, the Akuntsu, our team carried out a study, revealing the web of political and financial interests engaged in this conflict. This is definitely a document of both journalistic and anthropological value, delving into the present-day world of Amazonia
Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE here for more amazing docs!: http://goo.gl/vNINO4
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wn.com/Akuntsu (Full Documentary)
Our cameras are the first to travel to Rondonia, a dangerous place in the heart of the Amazon. In this setting, we will witness the bloody conflict between natives and landowners for possession of the land. Alongside the six members of one of the smaller ethnic groups involved, the Akuntsu, our team carried out a study, revealing the web of political and financial interests engaged in this conflict. This is definitely a document of both journalistic and anthropological value, delving into the present-day world of Amazonia
Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE here for more amazing docs!: http://goo.gl/vNINO4
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Twitter: https://twitter.com/NewAtlantisDocu
- published: 28 Dec 2014
- views: 3920
Amazon Planet (full documentary)
The giant Amazon, has since its birth in the Andes to its mouth, 6868 miles, the equivalent distance between New York and Berlin. We begin our journey on Brazil...
The giant Amazon, has since its birth in the Andes to its mouth, 6868 miles, the equivalent distance between New York and Berlin. We begin our journey on Brazilian lands, Tabatinga.
We full ourselves with nature and immerse us in a beautiful and rewarding journey flying over the Amazon River. We will check that this water-flow not only carries water, also blood of men and women who inhabit the planet. Only fifteen million years ago that this giant empties into the Atlantic. Before it traveled across the American continent, looking at Asia.
The river of thousand faces, with over 1,100 tributaries, is an arterial system by running a fifth of the world's freshwater. Contemplate the bravery of the Black River, the fourth largest in the world, and the stunning contrast of colors to blend with the Amazon River.
A paradise in which everything works perfectly. Amazon is harmonious, organized and beautiful.
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wn.com/Amazon Planet (Full Documentary)
The giant Amazon, has since its birth in the Andes to its mouth, 6868 miles, the equivalent distance between New York and Berlin. We begin our journey on Brazilian lands, Tabatinga.
We full ourselves with nature and immerse us in a beautiful and rewarding journey flying over the Amazon River. We will check that this water-flow not only carries water, also blood of men and women who inhabit the planet. Only fifteen million years ago that this giant empties into the Atlantic. Before it traveled across the American continent, looking at Asia.
The river of thousand faces, with over 1,100 tributaries, is an arterial system by running a fifth of the world's freshwater. Contemplate the bravery of the Black River, the fourth largest in the world, and the stunning contrast of colors to blend with the Amazon River.
A paradise in which everything works perfectly. Amazon is harmonious, organized and beautiful.
Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE here for more amazing docs!: http://goo.gl/vNINO4
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- published: 09 Dec 2013
- views: 6070259
Isolated: The Zo'é tribe (full documentary)
This series (Amazonia: Last Call) travels across Brazilian landscapes by way of one of the main links still binding the essence of humanity with the Earth: the ...
This series (Amazonia: Last Call) travels across Brazilian landscapes by way of one of the main links still binding the essence of humanity with the Earth: the Amazon.
The filming of the first point of contact with an isolated race, the Zo'E, the encroachment on areas of the Amazonian forest previously uncaptured on film, the evidence relating to the development of the illegal trafficking of species or the recording of the immeasurable value of Brazil's natural spaces; these are just excerpts from the series.
The underlying theme is the conflict between the development and conservation of one of the key natural areas underpinning the stability of the planet.
wn.com/Isolated The Zo'é Tribe (Full Documentary)
This series (Amazonia: Last Call) travels across Brazilian landscapes by way of one of the main links still binding the essence of humanity with the Earth: the Amazon.
The filming of the first point of contact with an isolated race, the Zo'E, the encroachment on areas of the Amazonian forest previously uncaptured on film, the evidence relating to the development of the illegal trafficking of species or the recording of the immeasurable value of Brazil's natural spaces; these are just excerpts from the series.
The underlying theme is the conflict between the development and conservation of one of the key natural areas underpinning the stability of the planet.
- published: 06 Apr 2013
- views: 10255383
Isolated - ¡Now in High Quality! (Full Documentary)
The tribe Zo'é shows his way of life and their perception of the world. We will know the identity of this isolated village through their daily actions, we will ...
The tribe Zo'é shows his way of life and their perception of the world. We will know the identity of this isolated village through their daily actions, we will see how is your relationship with the environment around them and with their own kind.
We will live for several months along with 184 members of this ethnic group, one of the last groups living in the countryside, ignoring our history and reigning over the Amazon jungle for centuries.
This series (Amazonia: Last Call) travels across Brazilian landscapes by way of one of the main links still binding the essence of humanity with the Earth: the Amazon.
The filming of the first point of contact with an isolated race, the Zo'E, the encroachment on areas of the Amazonian forest previously uncaptured on film, the evidence relating to the development of the illegal trafficking of species or the recording of the immeasurable value of Brazil's natural spaces; these are just excerpts from the series.
The underlying theme is the conflict between the development and conservation of one of the key natural areas underpinning the stability of the planet.
Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE here for more amazing docs!: http://goo.gl/vNINO4
SUSCRÍBETE al canal y descubre los mundos y las culturas más fascinantes: http://goo.gl/vNINO4
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wn.com/Isolated ¡Now In High Quality (Full Documentary)
The tribe Zo'é shows his way of life and their perception of the world. We will know the identity of this isolated village through their daily actions, we will see how is your relationship with the environment around them and with their own kind.
We will live for several months along with 184 members of this ethnic group, one of the last groups living in the countryside, ignoring our history and reigning over the Amazon jungle for centuries.
This series (Amazonia: Last Call) travels across Brazilian landscapes by way of one of the main links still binding the essence of humanity with the Earth: the Amazon.
The filming of the first point of contact with an isolated race, the Zo'E, the encroachment on areas of the Amazonian forest previously uncaptured on film, the evidence relating to the development of the illegal trafficking of species or the recording of the immeasurable value of Brazil's natural spaces; these are just excerpts from the series.
The underlying theme is the conflict between the development and conservation of one of the key natural areas underpinning the stability of the planet.
Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE here for more amazing docs!: http://goo.gl/vNINO4
SUSCRÍBETE al canal y descubre los mundos y las culturas más fascinantes: http://goo.gl/vNINO4
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Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NewAtlantisDocumentales
Twitter: https://twitter.com/NewAtlantisDocu
- published: 02 Jun 2015
- views: 5069
The New Atlantis Full Documentary Illuminati New World Order Black Magic Occult Must See
Incredible documentary that links everything together - black magic, occultism, illuminati, new world order. I do not own the rights to this, I a merely pass......
Incredible documentary that links everything together - black magic, occultism, illuminati, new world order. I do not own the rights to this, I a merely pass...
wn.com/The New Atlantis Full Documentary Illuminati New World Order Black Magic Occult Must See
Incredible documentary that links everything together - black magic, occultism, illuminati, new world order. I do not own the rights to this, I a merely pass...
The New Atlantis Full Documentary Illuminati New World Order Black Magic Occult Must See
Incredible documentary that links everything together - black magic, occultism, illuminati, new world order. I do not own the rights to this, I a merely pass....
Incredible documentary that links everything together - black magic, occultism, illuminati, new world order. I do not own the rights to this, I a merely pass.
wn.com/The New Atlantis Full Documentary Illuminati New World Order Black Magic Occult Must See
Incredible documentary that links everything together - black magic, occultism, illuminati, new world order. I do not own the rights to this, I a merely pass.
- published: 16 Mar 2015
- views: 0
The New Atlantis FULL DOCUMENTARY Illuminati New World Order Black Magic Occult Must See
Best Conspiracy Documentaries
Best Conspiracy Documentaries
wn.com/The New Atlantis Full Documentary Illuminati New World Order Black Magic Occult Must See
Best Conspiracy Documentaries
- published: 02 Feb 2015
- views: 3
Isolated: The Zo'é tribe (part 1)
The tribe Zo'é shows his way of life and their perception of the world. We will know the identity of this isolated village through their daily actions, we wi......
The tribe Zo'é shows his way of life and their perception of the world. We will know the identity of this isolated village through their daily actions, we wi...
wn.com/Isolated The Zo'é Tribe (Part 1)
The tribe Zo'é shows his way of life and their perception of the world. We will know the identity of this isolated village through their daily actions, we wi...
The men of the Fifth World (full documentary)
The aboriginal culture of Australia, includes a large number of tribes inhabiting the oceanic continent before the arrival of the white man. But all that rich c...
The aboriginal culture of Australia, includes a large number of tribes inhabiting the oceanic continent before the arrival of the white man. But all that rich culture is doomed to survive in stocks in which its people are destined to extinction.
In this episode one of the elders that preserve aboriginal culture will show the most important elements of a culture that struggles not to disappear.
Know his rituals in which contacts the parallel world in which the gods, spirits and men live together. We will see the role exerted by the digeridu, a musical instrument employed in these rituals. We'll see how it is manufactured by the musicians themselves, who will address the complex technique used to make it sound.
The cave paintings of Ubi Rock opened the door showing the spirituality of these villages that are sacred totems direct reference the natural world around them. Analyze the paintings today continue to make to represent their dreams and the importance of this painting.
Participate with them in making the famous boomerang and the banquet to which fishing leads a giant turtle. But the aboriginal community also show us the bitter side of life: the reserves in which its people seem destined to a slow extinction.
wn.com/The Men Of The Fifth World (Full Documentary)
The aboriginal culture of Australia, includes a large number of tribes inhabiting the oceanic continent before the arrival of the white man. But all that rich culture is doomed to survive in stocks in which its people are destined to extinction.
In this episode one of the elders that preserve aboriginal culture will show the most important elements of a culture that struggles not to disappear.
Know his rituals in which contacts the parallel world in which the gods, spirits and men live together. We will see the role exerted by the digeridu, a musical instrument employed in these rituals. We'll see how it is manufactured by the musicians themselves, who will address the complex technique used to make it sound.
The cave paintings of Ubi Rock opened the door showing the spirituality of these villages that are sacred totems direct reference the natural world around them. Analyze the paintings today continue to make to represent their dreams and the importance of this painting.
Participate with them in making the famous boomerang and the banquet to which fishing leads a giant turtle. But the aboriginal community also show us the bitter side of life: the reserves in which its people seem destined to a slow extinction.
- published: 19 Apr 2013
- views: 1572746
Isolated - ¡Now in High Quality! (Part 2/5)
The tribe Zo'é shows his way of life and their perception of the world. We will know the identity of this isolated village through their daily actions, we will ...
The tribe Zo'é shows his way of life and their perception of the world. We will know the identity of this isolated village through their daily actions, we will see how is your relationship with the environment around them and with their own kind.
We will live for several months along with 184 members of this ethnic group, one of the last groups living in the countryside, ignoring our history and reigning over the Amazon jungle for centuries.
This series (Amazonia: Last Call) travels across Brazilian landscapes by way of one of the main links still binding the essence of humanity with the Earth: the Amazon.
The filming of the first point of contact with an isolated race, the Zo'E, the encroachment on areas of the Amazonian forest previously uncaptured on film, the evidence relating to the development of the illegal trafficking of species or the recording of the immeasurable value of Brazil's natural spaces; these are just excerpts from the series.
The underlying theme is the conflict between the development and conservation of one of the key natural areas underpinning the stability of the planet.
Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE here for more amazing docs!: http://goo.gl/vNINO4
SUSCRÍBETE al canal y descubre los mundos y las culturas más fascinantes: http://goo.gl/vNINO4
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wn.com/Isolated ¡Now In High Quality (Part 2 5)
The tribe Zo'é shows his way of life and their perception of the world. We will know the identity of this isolated village through their daily actions, we will see how is your relationship with the environment around them and with their own kind.
We will live for several months along with 184 members of this ethnic group, one of the last groups living in the countryside, ignoring our history and reigning over the Amazon jungle for centuries.
This series (Amazonia: Last Call) travels across Brazilian landscapes by way of one of the main links still binding the essence of humanity with the Earth: the Amazon.
The filming of the first point of contact with an isolated race, the Zo'E, the encroachment on areas of the Amazonian forest previously uncaptured on film, the evidence relating to the development of the illegal trafficking of species or the recording of the immeasurable value of Brazil's natural spaces; these are just excerpts from the series.
The underlying theme is the conflict between the development and conservation of one of the key natural areas underpinning the stability of the planet.
Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE here for more amazing docs!: http://goo.gl/vNINO4
SUSCRÍBETE al canal y descubre los mundos y las culturas más fascinantes: http://goo.gl/vNINO4
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Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NewAtlantisDocumentales
Twitter: https://twitter.com/NewAtlantisDocu
- published: 29 May 2015
- views: 8833
India: A place, a sensation (part 2/3)
A long stimulating journey in which a lot of things happen. The experiences of a curious and intrepid traveler who travels Australia, Japan, India, Malaysia, Th...
A long stimulating journey in which a lot of things happen. The experiences of a curious and intrepid traveler who travels Australia, Japan, India, Malaysia, Thailand and Vietnam showing your own feelings through this long journey inspired by classic travel literature.
In this case, the destination is India. Follow our host into this exciting, deep and magic land.
Religion, exotism, extravagancy, elegancy, eclecticism...everything you wanna know about India. Living India like indian people, walking by Bombay streets or having a bath in Central India.
SUBSCRIBE here for more amazing docs!: goo.gl/vNINO4
wn.com/India A Place, A Sensation (Part 2 3)
A long stimulating journey in which a lot of things happen. The experiences of a curious and intrepid traveler who travels Australia, Japan, India, Malaysia, Thailand and Vietnam showing your own feelings through this long journey inspired by classic travel literature.
In this case, the destination is India. Follow our host into this exciting, deep and magic land.
Religion, exotism, extravagancy, elegancy, eclecticism...everything you wanna know about India. Living India like indian people, walking by Bombay streets or having a bath in Central India.
SUBSCRIBE here for more amazing docs!: goo.gl/vNINO4
- published: 02 Oct 2013
- views: 34160246
ILLUMINATI: ILLUMINATI SECRETS - The New Atlantis - full Documentary 2015 HD
FREE 2.5 HOUR MOVIE from UFOTV® Accept no Imitations! - WINNER for Best Documentary from the New York Film Festival, The Los Angeles Film Festival and The Tele ...
FREE 2.5 HOUR MOVIE from UFOTV® Accept no Imitations! - WINNER for Best Documentary from the New York Film Festival, The Los Angeles Film Festival and The Tele Awards. Discover Ancient Secrets of the Illuminati that affect our lives today in this Award Winning Feature Film which is the first film in the "The Illuminati Trilogy Series." This is by far the best Feature Film ever Produced on the History and Secrets of the Illuminati, and Masonic Civilization.
Watch more: http://goo.gl/cGbtj4
*** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
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Please Like and Subscribe to watch more videos at: http://goo.gl/cGbtj4
wn.com/Illuminati Illuminati Secrets The New Atlantis Full Documentary 2015 Hd
FREE 2.5 HOUR MOVIE from UFOTV® Accept no Imitations! - WINNER for Best Documentary from the New York Film Festival, The Los Angeles Film Festival and The Tele Awards. Discover Ancient Secrets of the Illuminati that affect our lives today in this Award Winning Feature Film which is the first film in the "The Illuminati Trilogy Series." This is by far the best Feature Film ever Produced on the History and Secrets of the Illuminati, and Masonic Civilization.
Watch more: http://goo.gl/cGbtj4
*** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
Thanks for Watching
Please Like and Subscribe to watch more videos at: http://goo.gl/cGbtj4
- published: 13 Apr 2015
- views: 0
The End of the Amazonia (full documentary)
This is a metaphorical journey through the Amazon delta and the problems that threaten its future as great living river. We will see the work of archaeologists ...
This is a metaphorical journey through the Amazon delta and the problems that threaten its future as great living river. We will see the work of archaeologists in Marajó Island, emerged right at the mouth of the river where there was a people whose culture still remains secret. We will also know how humans and wildlife adapt to this situation of antagonistic but complementary match between the river and the sea. In this mixed ecosystem, life is multiplied to the nth degree and the Amazon River says goodbye, filling our planet with life.
Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE here for more amazing docs!: http://goo.gl/vNINO4
Follow us on:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NewAtlantisDocumentales
Twitter: https://twitter.com/NewAtlantisDocu
wn.com/The End Of The Amazonia (Full Documentary)
This is a metaphorical journey through the Amazon delta and the problems that threaten its future as great living river. We will see the work of archaeologists in Marajó Island, emerged right at the mouth of the river where there was a people whose culture still remains secret. We will also know how humans and wildlife adapt to this situation of antagonistic but complementary match between the river and the sea. In this mixed ecosystem, life is multiplied to the nth degree and the Amazon River says goodbye, filling our planet with life.
Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE here for more amazing docs!: http://goo.gl/vNINO4
Follow us on:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NewAtlantisDocumentales
Twitter: https://twitter.com/NewAtlantisDocu
- published: 17 Sep 2014
- views: 10503
Atlantis - National Geographic Full Documentary 2014
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lions documentary 2012,
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Welcome To My new Channel Documentary ! like subscribe for more video
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wn.com/Atlantis National Geographic Full Documentary 2014
Welcome To My new Channel Documentary ! like subscribe for more video
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lions documentary 2012,
lions in africa documentary,
lions of africa documentary,
animal hunting, in africa,
BBC wildlife, documentary full,
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lions animal planet,
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african savannah, documentary,
lion africa,
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national geographic; documentary lions,
lions hunting, documentary,
national geographic, lions documentary,
lion animal planet documentary,
BBC animal documentary,
savannah lions,
lion full movie, animal planet lions,
lions of africa,
african lions
lions deadly savage savanna africa full documentary survival
loins in the wild
lions animal planet full episode documentary film
lion documentary
animal planet full episodes
african cats full movie
animal planet documentary
lions documentary
lion national geographic documentary
african lions documentary
- published: 15 Jul 2014
- views: 4
Africa religion: Adam's apple (Full Documentary)
Ethiopia is a Christian island surrounded by Muslim countries and Harar is other island within that island: a difficult city for sorting, the fourth holiest cit...
Ethiopia is a Christian island surrounded by Muslim countries and Harar is other island within that island: a difficult city for sorting, the fourth holiest city of Islam with almost a hundred mosques within its walls, and the place where the poet Arthur Rimbaud chose to refuge in his flight from Europe. Here women control on the street the sale of khat, a plant with stimulant powers that sets the pace of Harar. Consumption, ritualized in everyday life of the city, provides its inhabitants a unique identity.
Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE here for more amazing docs!: http://goo.gl/vNINO4
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wn.com/Africa Religion Adam's Apple (Full Documentary)
Ethiopia is a Christian island surrounded by Muslim countries and Harar is other island within that island: a difficult city for sorting, the fourth holiest city of Islam with almost a hundred mosques within its walls, and the place where the poet Arthur Rimbaud chose to refuge in his flight from Europe. Here women control on the street the sale of khat, a plant with stimulant powers that sets the pace of Harar. Consumption, ritualized in everyday life of the city, provides its inhabitants a unique identity.
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- published: 22 Jan 2015
- views: 488
Mekong, the river of nine dragons (full documentary)
The Mekong is one of the great rivers of the world. Born at 5000 meters altitude in the Tibetan Plateau and after crossing China, Burma, Thailand, enters in ......
The Mekong is one of the great rivers of the world. Born at 5000 meters altitude in the Tibetan Plateau and after crossing China, Burma, Thailand, enters in ...
wn.com/Mekong, The River Of Nine Dragons (Full Documentary)
The Mekong is one of the great rivers of the world. Born at 5000 meters altitude in the Tibetan Plateau and after crossing China, Burma, Thailand, enters in ...
Voodoo (full documentary)
The slave ships during the XVII and XVIII century transported millions of colored people from Africa to America carried within it the seed of a religious cul......
The slave ships during the XVII and XVIII century transported millions of colored people from Africa to America carried within it the seed of a religious cul...
wn.com/Voodoo (Full Documentary)
The slave ships during the XVII and XVIII century transported millions of colored people from Africa to America carried within it the seed of a religious cul...
Ambassadors of the Jungle (full documentary)
Among the high peaks of Papua New Guinea, upholstered in thick jungles, ethnicities inhabit the lands that inspired all that terrible sailors' stories at the......
Among the high peaks of Papua New Guinea, upholstered in thick jungles, ethnicities inhabit the lands that inspired all that terrible sailors' stories at the...
wn.com/Ambassadors Of The Jungle (Full Documentary)
Among the high peaks of Papua New Guinea, upholstered in thick jungles, ethnicities inhabit the lands that inspired all that terrible sailors' stories at the...
Sahel: The Heartbeat of Life (full documentary)
Sahel is a land of encounters, the end of one world and the beginning of another, the narrow belt that closes the gates of the desert and opens the heart of ......
Sahel is a land of encounters, the end of one world and the beginning of another, the narrow belt that closes the gates of the desert and opens the heart of ...
wn.com/Sahel The Heartbeat Of Life (Full Documentary)
Sahel is a land of encounters, the end of one world and the beginning of another, the narrow belt that closes the gates of the desert and opens the heart of ...
Los límites de la ciencia (Documental Completo)
Los avances científicos de los últimos cien años ha sido tan numerosos y espectaculares que han llevado a algunos a pensar que estamos ante el fin de la ciencia...
Los avances científicos de los últimos cien años ha sido tan numerosos y espectaculares que han llevado a algunos a pensar que estamos ante el fin de la ciencia. Frente a estos, la mayoría de la comunidad científica cree que aún queda mucho por descubrir. La ciencia se enfrenta a muchos límites, algunos de ellos tecnológicos, otros éticos. En este documental analizaremos cómo ha cambiado la ciencia nuestra concepción de la realidad y cómo hemos sido impregnados por la tecnología.
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wn.com/Los Límites De La Ciencia (Documental Completo)
Los avances científicos de los últimos cien años ha sido tan numerosos y espectaculares que han llevado a algunos a pensar que estamos ante el fin de la ciencia. Frente a estos, la mayoría de la comunidad científica cree que aún queda mucho por descubrir. La ciencia se enfrenta a muchos límites, algunos de ellos tecnológicos, otros éticos. En este documental analizaremos cómo ha cambiado la ciencia nuestra concepción de la realidad y cómo hemos sido impregnados por la tecnología.
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- published: 09 May 2015
- views: 372
White on black (Full Documentary)
For the western white man, Africa has represented the geography to house the universe of his darkest myths. No continent has been so foreign to him. His relatio...
For the western white man, Africa has represented the geography to house the universe of his darkest myths. No continent has been so foreign to him. His relationship with it has been superficial and conflicting, rarely from the integration, equality and respect. Whether as tourists, aid workers, technicians or settlers, white in Africa, even today, inhabits islands that protect and separate him from a world that he does not understand.
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wn.com/White On Black (Full Documentary)
For the western white man, Africa has represented the geography to house the universe of his darkest myths. No continent has been so foreign to him. His relationship with it has been superficial and conflicting, rarely from the integration, equality and respect. Whether as tourists, aid workers, technicians or settlers, white in Africa, even today, inhabits islands that protect and separate him from a world that he does not understand.
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- published: 07 Apr 2015
- views: 5512
The mountain of mystery (part 4)
South of Venezuela is a region dominated by large rock formations in the Precambrian era surrounded by the largest virgin forest in the world. Is Guayanes Ma......
South of Venezuela is a region dominated by large rock formations in the Precambrian era surrounded by the largest virgin forest in the world. Is Guayanes Ma...
wn.com/The Mountain Of Mystery (Part 4)
South of Venezuela is a region dominated by large rock formations in the Precambrian era surrounded by the largest virgin forest in the world. Is Guayanes Ma...
Hombres del mar (Documental Completo)
Un tercio de la población de Mauritania vive, directa o indirectamente, de la pesca artesanal. Bamba Fall, un pescador sindicalista, nos invita a conocer la agi...
Un tercio de la población de Mauritania vive, directa o indirectamente, de la pesca artesanal. Bamba Fall, un pescador sindicalista, nos invita a conocer la agitada actividad del puerto de Nouackchott: las trágicas historias en la mar de viejos pescadores, las duras labores de pesca, las artes de la herrería a partir de materiales imaginativamente reciclados, la venta del pescado por parte de intrépidas mujeres, la educación de los niños de la mano del imán de la mezquita... Un mundo en el que el peligroso arte de la pesca se sostiene gracias a la solidaridad de quienes lo comparten.
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wn.com/Hombres Del Mar (Documental Completo)
Un tercio de la población de Mauritania vive, directa o indirectamente, de la pesca artesanal. Bamba Fall, un pescador sindicalista, nos invita a conocer la agitada actividad del puerto de Nouackchott: las trágicas historias en la mar de viejos pescadores, las duras labores de pesca, las artes de la herrería a partir de materiales imaginativamente reciclados, la venta del pescado por parte de intrépidas mujeres, la educación de los niños de la mano del imán de la mezquita... Un mundo en el que el peligroso arte de la pesca se sostiene gracias a la solidaridad de quienes lo comparten.
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- published: 25 Apr 2015
- views: 1541
Desierto de los Esqueletos ¡Ahora en alta Calidad! (Documental Completo)
Inmensas playas desiertas, donde los mascarones de barcos sólo cuentan con la compañía de los restos de animales, forman la llamada Costa de los esqueletos. Esta orilla del Atlántico, al Este de Namibia, es la puerta de entrada al desierto. Allí encontramos grupos de bosquimanos e himbas. Los bosquimanos demostrarán las técnicas de caza y recolección. Junto a ellos perseguiremos a sus presas herid
Desierto de los Esqueletos ¡Ahora en alta Calidad! (Parte 3/5)
Inmensas playas desiertas, donde los mascarones de barcos sólo cuentan con la compañía de los restos de animales, forman la llamada Costa de los esqueletos. Esta orilla del Atlántico, al Este de Namibia, es la puerta de entrada al desierto. Allí encontramos grupos de bosquimanos e himbas. Los bosquimanos demostrarán las técnicas de caza y recolección. Junto a ellos perseguiremos a sus presas herid
Desierto de los Esqueletos ¡Ahora en alta Calidad! (Parte 4/5)
Inmensas playas desiertas, donde los mascarones de barcos sólo cuentan con la compañía de los restos de animales, forman la llamada Costa de los esqueletos. Esta orilla del Atlántico, al Este de Namibia, es la puerta de entrada al desierto. Allí encontramos grupos de bosquimanos e himbas. Los bosquimanos demostrarán las técnicas de caza y recolección. Junto a ellos perseguiremos a sus presas herid
Desierto de los Esqueletos ¡Ahora en alta Calidad! (Parte 5/5)
Inmensas playas desiertas, donde los mascarones de barcos sólo cuentan con la compañía de los restos de animales, forman la llamada Costa de los esqueletos. Esta orilla del Atlántico, al Este de Namibia, es la puerta de entrada al desierto. Allí encontramos grupos de bosquimanos e himbas. Los bosquimanos demostrarán las técnicas de caza y recolección. Junto a ellos perseguiremos a sus presas herid
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Desierto de los Esqueletos ¡Ahora en alta Calidad! (Documental Completo)
Inmensas playas desiertas, donde los mascarones de barcos sólo cuentan con la compañía de los restos de animales, forman la llamada Costa de los esqueletos. Est...
Inmensas playas desiertas, donde los mascarones de barcos sólo cuentan con la compañía de los restos de animales, forman la llamada Costa de los esqueletos. Esta orilla del Atlántico, al Este de Namibia, es la puerta de entrada al desierto. Allí encontramos grupos de bosquimanos e himbas. Los bosquimanos demostrarán las técnicas de caza y recolección. Junto a ellos perseguiremos a sus presas heridas por flechas venenosas en una expedición que durará varios días y observaremos la supervivencia de todo un clan en la dura época de sequía. Los himbas nos mostrarán su vida nómada, en la que todo gira en torno a las cabras y las vacas que pastorean.
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wn.com/Desierto De Los Esqueletos ¡Ahora En Alta Calidad (Documental Completo)
Inmensas playas desiertas, donde los mascarones de barcos sólo cuentan con la compañía de los restos de animales, forman la llamada Costa de los esqueletos. Esta orilla del Atlántico, al Este de Namibia, es la puerta de entrada al desierto. Allí encontramos grupos de bosquimanos e himbas. Los bosquimanos demostrarán las técnicas de caza y recolección. Junto a ellos perseguiremos a sus presas heridas por flechas venenosas en una expedición que durará varios días y observaremos la supervivencia de todo un clan en la dura época de sequía. Los himbas nos mostrarán su vida nómada, en la que todo gira en torno a las cabras y las vacas que pastorean.
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- published: 31 Oct 2015
- views: 291
Desierto de los Esqueletos ¡Ahora en alta Calidad! (Parte 3/5)
Inmensas playas desiertas, donde los mascarones de barcos sólo cuentan con la compañía de los restos de animales, forman la llamada Costa de los esqueletos. Est...
Inmensas playas desiertas, donde los mascarones de barcos sólo cuentan con la compañía de los restos de animales, forman la llamada Costa de los esqueletos. Esta orilla del Atlántico, al Este de Namibia, es la puerta de entrada al desierto. Allí encontramos grupos de bosquimanos e himbas. Los bosquimanos demostrarán las técnicas de caza y recolección. Junto a ellos perseguiremos a sus presas heridas por flechas venenosas en una expedición que durará varios días y observaremos la supervivencia de todo un clan en la dura época de sequía. Los himbas nos mostrarán su vida nómada, en la que todo gira en torno a las cabras y las vacas que pastorean.
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wn.com/Desierto De Los Esqueletos ¡Ahora En Alta Calidad (Parte 3 5)
Inmensas playas desiertas, donde los mascarones de barcos sólo cuentan con la compañía de los restos de animales, forman la llamada Costa de los esqueletos. Esta orilla del Atlántico, al Este de Namibia, es la puerta de entrada al desierto. Allí encontramos grupos de bosquimanos e himbas. Los bosquimanos demostrarán las técnicas de caza y recolección. Junto a ellos perseguiremos a sus presas heridas por flechas venenosas en una expedición que durará varios días y observaremos la supervivencia de todo un clan en la dura época de sequía. Los himbas nos mostrarán su vida nómada, en la que todo gira en torno a las cabras y las vacas que pastorean.
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- published: 28 Oct 2015
- views: 6532
Desierto de los Esqueletos ¡Ahora en alta Calidad! (Parte 4/5)
Inmensas playas desiertas, donde los mascarones de barcos sólo cuentan con la compañía de los restos de animales, forman la llamada Costa de los esqueletos. Est...
Inmensas playas desiertas, donde los mascarones de barcos sólo cuentan con la compañía de los restos de animales, forman la llamada Costa de los esqueletos. Esta orilla del Atlántico, al Este de Namibia, es la puerta de entrada al desierto. Allí encontramos grupos de bosquimanos e himbas. Los bosquimanos demostrarán las técnicas de caza y recolección. Junto a ellos perseguiremos a sus presas heridas por flechas venenosas en una expedición que durará varios días y observaremos la supervivencia de todo un clan en la dura época de sequía. Los himbas nos mostrarán su vida nómada, en la que todo gira en torno a las cabras y las vacas que pastorean.
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wn.com/Desierto De Los Esqueletos ¡Ahora En Alta Calidad (Parte 4 5)
Inmensas playas desiertas, donde los mascarones de barcos sólo cuentan con la compañía de los restos de animales, forman la llamada Costa de los esqueletos. Esta orilla del Atlántico, al Este de Namibia, es la puerta de entrada al desierto. Allí encontramos grupos de bosquimanos e himbas. Los bosquimanos demostrarán las técnicas de caza y recolección. Junto a ellos perseguiremos a sus presas heridas por flechas venenosas en una expedición que durará varios días y observaremos la supervivencia de todo un clan en la dura época de sequía. Los himbas nos mostrarán su vida nómada, en la que todo gira en torno a las cabras y las vacas que pastorean.
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- published: 29 Oct 2015
- views: 2706
Desierto de los Esqueletos ¡Ahora en alta Calidad! (Parte 5/5)
Inmensas playas desiertas, donde los mascarones de barcos sólo cuentan con la compañía de los restos de animales, forman la llamada Costa de los esqueletos. Est...
Inmensas playas desiertas, donde los mascarones de barcos sólo cuentan con la compañía de los restos de animales, forman la llamada Costa de los esqueletos. Esta orilla del Atlántico, al Este de Namibia, es la puerta de entrada al desierto. Allí encontramos grupos de bosquimanos e himbas. Los bosquimanos demostrarán las técnicas de caza y recolección. Junto a ellos perseguiremos a sus presas heridas por flechas venenosas en una expedición que durará varios días y observaremos la supervivencia de todo un clan en la dura época de sequía. Los himbas nos mostrarán su vida nómada, en la que todo gira en torno a las cabras y las vacas que pastorean.
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wn.com/Desierto De Los Esqueletos ¡Ahora En Alta Calidad (Parte 5 5)
Inmensas playas desiertas, donde los mascarones de barcos sólo cuentan con la compañía de los restos de animales, forman la llamada Costa de los esqueletos. Esta orilla del Atlántico, al Este de Namibia, es la puerta de entrada al desierto. Allí encontramos grupos de bosquimanos e himbas. Los bosquimanos demostrarán las técnicas de caza y recolección. Junto a ellos perseguiremos a sus presas heridas por flechas venenosas en una expedición que durará varios días y observaremos la supervivencia de todo un clan en la dura época de sequía. Los himbas nos mostrarán su vida nómada, en la que todo gira en torno a las cabras y las vacas que pastorean.
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- published: 30 Oct 2015
- views: 1934
Lost City of Atlantis Full Documentary
Atlantis, a likely mythical island nation mentioned in Plato’s dialogues “Timaeus” and “Critias,” has been an object of fascination among western philosophers a...
Atlantis, a likely mythical island nation mentioned in Plato’s dialogues “Timaeus” and “Critias,” has been an object of fascination among western philosophers and historians for nearly 2,400 years. Plato (c.424–328 B.C.) describes it as a powerful and advanced kingdom that sank, in a night and a day, into the ocean around 9,600 B.C. The ancient Greeks were divided as to whether Plato’s story was to be taken as history or mere metaphor. Since the 19th century there has been renewed interest in linking Plato’s Atlantis to historical locations, most commonly the Greek island of Santorini, which was destroyed by a volcanic eruption around 1,600 B.C.
Plato (through the character Critias in his dialogues) describes Atlantis as an island larger than Libya and Asia Minor put together, located in the Atlantic just beyond the Pillars of Hercules—generally assumed to mean the Strait of Gibraltar. Its culture was advanced and it had a constitution suspiciously similar to the one outlined in Plato’s “Republic.” It was protected by the god Poseidon, who made his son Atlas king and namesake of the island and the ocean that surrounded it. As the Atlanteans grew powerful, their ethics declined. Their armies eventually conquered Africa as far as Egypt and Europe as far as Tyrrhenia (Etruscan Italy) before being driven back by an Athenian-led alliance. Later, by way of divine punishment, the island was beset by earthquakes and floods, and sank into a muddy sea.
Plato’s Critias says he heard the story of Atlantis from his grandfather, who had heard it from the Athenian statesman Solon (300 years before Plato’s time), who had learned it from an Egyptian priest, who said it had happened 9,000 years before that. Whether or not Plato believed his own story, his intent in telling it seems to have been to boost his ideas of an ideal society, using stories of ancient victory and calamity to call to mind more recent events such as the Trojan War or Athens’ disastrous invasion of Sicily in 413 B.C. The historicity of Plato’s tale was controversial in ancient times—his follower Crantor is said to have believed it, while Strabo (writing a few centuries later) records Aristotle’s joke about Plato’s ability to conjure nations out of thin air and then destroy them.
In the first centuries of the Christian era, Aristotle was taken at his word and Atlantis was little discussed. In 1627, the English philosopher and scientist Francis Bacon published a utopian novel titled “The New Atlantis,” depicting, like Plato before him, a politically and scientifically advanced society on a previously unknown oceanic island. In 1882, former U.S. Congressman Ignatious L. Donnelly published “Atlantis: The Antediluvian World,” which touched off a frenzy of works attempting to locate and learn from a historical Atlantis. Donnelly hypothesized an advanced civilization whose immigrants had populated much of ancient Europe, Africa and the Americas, and whose heroes had inspired Greek, Hindu and Scandinavian mythology. Donnelley’s theories were popularized and elaborated by turn-of-the-20th-century theosophists and are often incorporated into contemporary New Age beliefs.
From time to time, archaeologists and historians locate evidence—a swampy, prehistoric city in coastal Spain; a suspicious undersea rock formation in the Bahamas—that might be a source of the Atlantis story. Of these, the site with the widest acceptance is the Greek island of Santorini (ancient Thera), a half-submerged caldera created by the massive second-millennium-B.C. volcanic eruption whose tsunami may have hastened the collapse of the Minoan civilization on Crete.
wn.com/Lost City Of Atlantis Full Documentary
Atlantis, a likely mythical island nation mentioned in Plato’s dialogues “Timaeus” and “Critias,” has been an object of fascination among western philosophers and historians for nearly 2,400 years. Plato (c.424–328 B.C.) describes it as a powerful and advanced kingdom that sank, in a night and a day, into the ocean around 9,600 B.C. The ancient Greeks were divided as to whether Plato’s story was to be taken as history or mere metaphor. Since the 19th century there has been renewed interest in linking Plato’s Atlantis to historical locations, most commonly the Greek island of Santorini, which was destroyed by a volcanic eruption around 1,600 B.C.
Plato (through the character Critias in his dialogues) describes Atlantis as an island larger than Libya and Asia Minor put together, located in the Atlantic just beyond the Pillars of Hercules—generally assumed to mean the Strait of Gibraltar. Its culture was advanced and it had a constitution suspiciously similar to the one outlined in Plato’s “Republic.” It was protected by the god Poseidon, who made his son Atlas king and namesake of the island and the ocean that surrounded it. As the Atlanteans grew powerful, their ethics declined. Their armies eventually conquered Africa as far as Egypt and Europe as far as Tyrrhenia (Etruscan Italy) before being driven back by an Athenian-led alliance. Later, by way of divine punishment, the island was beset by earthquakes and floods, and sank into a muddy sea.
Plato’s Critias says he heard the story of Atlantis from his grandfather, who had heard it from the Athenian statesman Solon (300 years before Plato’s time), who had learned it from an Egyptian priest, who said it had happened 9,000 years before that. Whether or not Plato believed his own story, his intent in telling it seems to have been to boost his ideas of an ideal society, using stories of ancient victory and calamity to call to mind more recent events such as the Trojan War or Athens’ disastrous invasion of Sicily in 413 B.C. The historicity of Plato’s tale was controversial in ancient times—his follower Crantor is said to have believed it, while Strabo (writing a few centuries later) records Aristotle’s joke about Plato’s ability to conjure nations out of thin air and then destroy them.
In the first centuries of the Christian era, Aristotle was taken at his word and Atlantis was little discussed. In 1627, the English philosopher and scientist Francis Bacon published a utopian novel titled “The New Atlantis,” depicting, like Plato before him, a politically and scientifically advanced society on a previously unknown oceanic island. In 1882, former U.S. Congressman Ignatious L. Donnelly published “Atlantis: The Antediluvian World,” which touched off a frenzy of works attempting to locate and learn from a historical Atlantis. Donnelly hypothesized an advanced civilization whose immigrants had populated much of ancient Europe, Africa and the Americas, and whose heroes had inspired Greek, Hindu and Scandinavian mythology. Donnelley’s theories were popularized and elaborated by turn-of-the-20th-century theosophists and are often incorporated into contemporary New Age beliefs.
From time to time, archaeologists and historians locate evidence—a swampy, prehistoric city in coastal Spain; a suspicious undersea rock formation in the Bahamas—that might be a source of the Atlantis story. Of these, the site with the widest acceptance is the Greek island of Santorini (ancient Thera), a half-submerged caldera created by the massive second-millennium-B.C. volcanic eruption whose tsunami may have hastened the collapse of the Minoan civilization on Crete.
- published: 26 Oct 2015
- views: 5
Who Controls Africa - Now in High Quality (Full Documentary)
We begin the chapter with one of the great powers in Africa, women. They are the ones who educate children, remaining when they leave, the guardians of the heav...
We begin the chapter with one of the great powers in Africa, women. They are the ones who educate children, remaining when they leave, the guardians of the heavy ballast of tradition. If they are rebelling, Africa would collapse. But do not forget the chiefs, chiefs of the village, the tribe, the family... ancestral characters on which the social life of the community gravitates. Above them, women and chiefs, modernity has installed a new power: the State power.
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wn.com/Who Controls Africa Now In High Quality (Full Documentary)
We begin the chapter with one of the great powers in Africa, women. They are the ones who educate children, remaining when they leave, the guardians of the heavy ballast of tradition. If they are rebelling, Africa would collapse. But do not forget the chiefs, chiefs of the village, the tribe, the family... ancestral characters on which the social life of the community gravitates. Above them, women and chiefs, modernity has installed a new power: the State power.
Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE here for more amazing docs!: http://goo.gl/vNINO4
SUSCRÍBETE al canal y descubre los mundos y las culturas más fascinantes: http://goo.gl/vNINO4
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- published: 25 Oct 2015
- views: 4446
The New Atlantis FULL DOCUMENTARY Illuminati New World Order Black Magic Occult Must See
The New Atlantis FULL DOCUMENTARY Illuminati New World Order Black Magic Occult Must See Incredible documentary that links everything together - black magic, oc...
The New Atlantis FULL DOCUMENTARY Illuminati New World Order Black Magic Occult Must See Incredible documentary that links everything together - black magic, occultism, illuminati, new world order. I do not own the rights to this, I a merely passing on an .
Incredible documentary that links everything together - black magic, occultism, illuminati, new world order. I do not own the rights to this, I a merely pass.
Solomon's Wisdom Presents: New Atlantis Documentary about Illuminati New World Order Black Matrix Stuff Best Conspiracy .
Incredible documentary that links everything together - black magic, occultism, illuminati, new world order. I do not own the rights to this, I a merely pass.
wn.com/The New Atlantis Full Documentary Illuminati New World Order Black Magic Occult Must See
The New Atlantis FULL DOCUMENTARY Illuminati New World Order Black Magic Occult Must See Incredible documentary that links everything together - black magic, occultism, illuminati, new world order. I do not own the rights to this, I a merely passing on an .
Incredible documentary that links everything together - black magic, occultism, illuminati, new world order. I do not own the rights to this, I a merely pass.
Solomon's Wisdom Presents: New Atlantis Documentary about Illuminati New World Order Black Matrix Stuff Best Conspiracy .
Incredible documentary that links everything together - black magic, occultism, illuminati, new world order. I do not own the rights to this, I a merely pass.
- published: 20 Oct 2015
- views: 0
The New Atlantis FULL DOCUMENTARY Illuminati New World Order Black Magic Occult Must See
The New Atlantis FULL DOCUMENTARY Illuminati New World Order Black Magic Occult Must See Incredible documentary that links everything together - black magic, oc...
The New Atlantis FULL DOCUMENTARY Illuminati New World Order Black Magic Occult Must See Incredible documentary that links everything together - black magic, occultism, illuminati, new world order. I do not own the rights to this, I a merely passing on an .
Incredible documentary that links everything together - black magic, occultism, illuminati, new world order. I do not own the rights to this, I a merely pass.
Solomon's Wisdom Presents: New Atlantis Documentary about Illuminati New World Order Black Matrix Stuff Best Conspiracy .
Incredible documentary that links everything together - black magic, occultism, illuminati, new world order. I do not own the rights to this, I a merely pass.
wn.com/The New Atlantis Full Documentary Illuminati New World Order Black Magic Occult Must See
The New Atlantis FULL DOCUMENTARY Illuminati New World Order Black Magic Occult Must See Incredible documentary that links everything together - black magic, occultism, illuminati, new world order. I do not own the rights to this, I a merely passing on an .
Incredible documentary that links everything together - black magic, occultism, illuminati, new world order. I do not own the rights to this, I a merely pass.
Solomon's Wisdom Presents: New Atlantis Documentary about Illuminati New World Order Black Matrix Stuff Best Conspiracy .
Incredible documentary that links everything together - black magic, occultism, illuminati, new world order. I do not own the rights to this, I a merely pass.
- published: 14 Oct 2015
- views: 0
THE LOST WORLD OF ATLANTIS - Discovery History Science (full documentary)
THE LOST WORLD OF ATLANTIS - Discovery History Science (full documentary)
Atlantis (Ancient Greek: Ἀτλαντὶς νῆσος, island of Atlas) is a fictional island ment...
THE LOST WORLD OF ATLANTIS - Discovery History Science (full documentary)
Atlantis (Ancient Greek: Ἀτλαντὶς νῆσος, island of Atlas) is a fictional island mentioned within an allegory on the hubris of nations in Plato's works Timaeus .
The lost city of ATLANTIS - Full Documentary. [100 best documentaries] [2010 documentaries] [2012 documentaries] [2012 documentary] [7 up documentary] .
The Mysterious City of Atlantis Discovery Channel Documentary 2015 Atlantis: The Lost Continent (Secret History Documentary) Lost World of Atlantis Full .
wn.com/The Lost World Of Atlantis Discovery History Science (Full Documentary)
THE LOST WORLD OF ATLANTIS - Discovery History Science (full documentary)
Atlantis (Ancient Greek: Ἀτλαντὶς νῆσος, island of Atlas) is a fictional island mentioned within an allegory on the hubris of nations in Plato's works Timaeus .
The lost city of ATLANTIS - Full Documentary. [100 best documentaries] [2010 documentaries] [2012 documentaries] [2012 documentary] [7 up documentary] .
The Mysterious City of Atlantis Discovery Channel Documentary 2015 Atlantis: The Lost Continent (Secret History Documentary) Lost World of Atlantis Full .
- published: 13 Oct 2015
- views: 0
Atlantis - The Lost City - Full Documentary 2015
Atlantis, a likely mythical island nation mentioned in Plato’s dialogues “Timaeus” and “Critias,” has been an object of fascination among western philosophers a...
Atlantis, a likely mythical island nation mentioned in Plato’s dialogues “Timaeus” and “Critias,” has been an object of fascination among western philosophers and historians for nearly 2,400 years. Plato (c.424–328 B.C.) describes it as a powerful and advanced kingdom that sank, in a night and a day, into the ocean around 9,600 B.C. The ancient Greeks were divided as to whether Plato’s story was to be taken as history or mere metaphor. Since the 19th century there has been renewed interest in linking Plato’s Atlantis to historical locations, most commonly the Greek island of Santorini, which was destroyed by a volcanic eruption around 1,600 B.C.
Plato (through the character Critias in his dialogues) describes Atlantis as an island larger than Libya and Asia Minor put together, located in the Atlantic just beyond the Pillars of Hercules—generally assumed to mean the Strait of Gibraltar. Its culture was advanced and it had a constitution suspiciously similar to the one outlined in Plato’s “Republic.” It was protected by the god Poseidon, who made his son Atlas king and namesake of the island and the ocean that surrounded it. As the Atlanteans grew powerful, their ethics declined. Their armies eventually conquered Africa as far as Egypt and Europe as far as Tyrrhenia (Etruscan Italy) before being driven back by an Athenian-led alliance. Later, by way of divine punishment, the island was beset by earthquakes and floods, and sank into a muddy sea.
In 1679 the Swedish scientist Olaus Rudbeck published "Atland," a four-volume work in which he attempted to prove that Sweden was the original site of Atlantis and that all human languages were descended from Swedish. Though considered authoritative in his homeland, few outside of Sweden found Rudbeck’s arguments convincing.
Plato’s Critias says he heard the story of Atlantis from his grandfather, who had heard it from the Athenian statesman Solon (300 years before Plato’s time), who had learned it from an Egyptian priest, who said it had happened 9,000 years before that. Whether or not Plato believed his own story, his intent in telling it seems to have been to boost his ideas of an ideal society, using stories of ancient victory and calamity to call to mind more recent events such as the Trojan War or Athens’ disastrous invasion of Sicily in 413 B.C. The historicity of Plato’s tale was controversial in ancient times—his follower Crantor is said to have believed it, while Strabo (writing a few centuries later) records Aristotle’s joke about Plato’s ability to conjure nations out of thin air and then destroy them.
In the first centuries of the Christian era, Aristotle was taken at his word and Atlantis was little discussed. In 1627, the English philosopher and scientist Francis Bacon published a utopian novel titled “The New Atlantis,” depicting, like Plato before him, a politically and scientifically advanced society on a previously unknown oceanic island. In 1882, former U.S. Congressman Ignatious L. Donnelly published “Atlantis: The Antediluvian World,” which touched off a frenzy of works attempting to locate and learn from a historical Atlantis. Donnelly hypothesized an advanced civilization whose immigrants had populated much of ancient Europe, Africa and the Americas, and whose heroes had inspired Greek, Hindu and Scandinavian mythology. Donnelley’s theories were popularized and elaborated by turn-of-the-20th-century theosophists and are often incorporated into contemporary New Age beliefs.
From time to time, archaeologists and historians locate evidence—a swampy, prehistoric city in coastal Spain; a suspicious undersea rock formation in the Bahamas—that might be a source of the Atlantis story. Of these, the site with the widest acceptance is the Greek island of Santorini (ancient Thera), a half-submerged caldera created by the massive second-millennium-B.C. volcanic eruption whose tsunami may have hastened the collapse of the Minoan civilization on Crete.
wn.com/Atlantis The Lost City Full Documentary 2015
Atlantis, a likely mythical island nation mentioned in Plato’s dialogues “Timaeus” and “Critias,” has been an object of fascination among western philosophers and historians for nearly 2,400 years. Plato (c.424–328 B.C.) describes it as a powerful and advanced kingdom that sank, in a night and a day, into the ocean around 9,600 B.C. The ancient Greeks were divided as to whether Plato’s story was to be taken as history or mere metaphor. Since the 19th century there has been renewed interest in linking Plato’s Atlantis to historical locations, most commonly the Greek island of Santorini, which was destroyed by a volcanic eruption around 1,600 B.C.
Plato (through the character Critias in his dialogues) describes Atlantis as an island larger than Libya and Asia Minor put together, located in the Atlantic just beyond the Pillars of Hercules—generally assumed to mean the Strait of Gibraltar. Its culture was advanced and it had a constitution suspiciously similar to the one outlined in Plato’s “Republic.” It was protected by the god Poseidon, who made his son Atlas king and namesake of the island and the ocean that surrounded it. As the Atlanteans grew powerful, their ethics declined. Their armies eventually conquered Africa as far as Egypt and Europe as far as Tyrrhenia (Etruscan Italy) before being driven back by an Athenian-led alliance. Later, by way of divine punishment, the island was beset by earthquakes and floods, and sank into a muddy sea.
In 1679 the Swedish scientist Olaus Rudbeck published "Atland," a four-volume work in which he attempted to prove that Sweden was the original site of Atlantis and that all human languages were descended from Swedish. Though considered authoritative in his homeland, few outside of Sweden found Rudbeck’s arguments convincing.
Plato’s Critias says he heard the story of Atlantis from his grandfather, who had heard it from the Athenian statesman Solon (300 years before Plato’s time), who had learned it from an Egyptian priest, who said it had happened 9,000 years before that. Whether or not Plato believed his own story, his intent in telling it seems to have been to boost his ideas of an ideal society, using stories of ancient victory and calamity to call to mind more recent events such as the Trojan War or Athens’ disastrous invasion of Sicily in 413 B.C. The historicity of Plato’s tale was controversial in ancient times—his follower Crantor is said to have believed it, while Strabo (writing a few centuries later) records Aristotle’s joke about Plato’s ability to conjure nations out of thin air and then destroy them.
In the first centuries of the Christian era, Aristotle was taken at his word and Atlantis was little discussed. In 1627, the English philosopher and scientist Francis Bacon published a utopian novel titled “The New Atlantis,” depicting, like Plato before him, a politically and scientifically advanced society on a previously unknown oceanic island. In 1882, former U.S. Congressman Ignatious L. Donnelly published “Atlantis: The Antediluvian World,” which touched off a frenzy of works attempting to locate and learn from a historical Atlantis. Donnelly hypothesized an advanced civilization whose immigrants had populated much of ancient Europe, Africa and the Americas, and whose heroes had inspired Greek, Hindu and Scandinavian mythology. Donnelley’s theories were popularized and elaborated by turn-of-the-20th-century theosophists and are often incorporated into contemporary New Age beliefs.
From time to time, archaeologists and historians locate evidence—a swampy, prehistoric city in coastal Spain; a suspicious undersea rock formation in the Bahamas—that might be a source of the Atlantis story. Of these, the site with the widest acceptance is the Greek island of Santorini (ancient Thera), a half-submerged caldera created by the massive second-millennium-B.C. volcanic eruption whose tsunami may have hastened the collapse of the Minoan civilization on Crete.
- published: 13 Oct 2015
- views: 3
Mystery Documentary 2015 - The lost city of ATLANTIS Full Documentary HD
Mystery Documentary 2015 - The lost city of ATLANTIS Full Documentary HD mystery documentary national geographic, mystery documentary 2015, mystery .
atlantis ...
Mystery Documentary 2015 - The lost city of ATLANTIS Full Documentary HD mystery documentary national geographic, mystery documentary 2015, mystery .
atlantis documentary atlantis documentary 2015 atlantis documentary national geographic full atlantis documentary 2014 atlantis documentary hd atlantis .
Suscribe For More Amazing Videos !! INCREDIBLE VIDEOS HD : Best Amazing Video Channel Lost Worlds is a documentary television series by The History .
bbc documentary,bbc,national geographic,documentary,national geographic documentary,Structure,documentaries, documentary films, documentaries .
wn.com/Mystery Documentary 2015 The Lost City Of Atlantis Full Documentary Hd
Mystery Documentary 2015 - The lost city of ATLANTIS Full Documentary HD mystery documentary national geographic, mystery documentary 2015, mystery .
atlantis documentary atlantis documentary 2015 atlantis documentary national geographic full atlantis documentary 2014 atlantis documentary hd atlantis .
Suscribe For More Amazing Videos !! INCREDIBLE VIDEOS HD : Best Amazing Video Channel Lost Worlds is a documentary television series by The History .
bbc documentary,bbc,national geographic,documentary,national geographic documentary,Structure,documentaries, documentary films, documentaries .
- published: 13 Oct 2015
- views: 0
Mystery Documentary 2015 - The lost city of ATLANTIS Full Documentary HD
Mystery Documentary 2015 - The lost city of ATLANTIS Full Documentary HD mystery documentary national geographic, mystery documentary 2015, mystery .
atlantis ...
Mystery Documentary 2015 - The lost city of ATLANTIS Full Documentary HD mystery documentary national geographic, mystery documentary 2015, mystery .
atlantis documentary atlantis documentary 2015 atlantis documentary national geographic full atlantis documentary 2014 atlantis documentary hd atlantis .
Suscribe For More Amazing Videos !! INCREDIBLE VIDEOS HD : Best Amazing Video Channel Lost Worlds is a documentary television series by The History .
bbc documentary,bbc,national geographic,documentary,national geographic documentary,Structure,documentaries, documentary films, documentaries .
wn.com/Mystery Documentary 2015 The Lost City Of Atlantis Full Documentary Hd
Mystery Documentary 2015 - The lost city of ATLANTIS Full Documentary HD mystery documentary national geographic, mystery documentary 2015, mystery .
atlantis documentary atlantis documentary 2015 atlantis documentary national geographic full atlantis documentary 2014 atlantis documentary hd atlantis .
Suscribe For More Amazing Videos !! INCREDIBLE VIDEOS HD : Best Amazing Video Channel Lost Worlds is a documentary television series by The History .
bbc documentary,bbc,national geographic,documentary,national geographic documentary,Structure,documentaries, documentary films, documentaries .
- published: 11 Oct 2015
- views: 4
The Real Story Behind The Lost City of Atlantis - Full Documentary
The Real Story Behind The Lost City of Atlantis - Full Documentary Secrets Of The Dead Catastrophe Part Two Full Documentary ➨ Time Travellers Women Of Lesbos F...
The Real Story Behind The Lost City of Atlantis - Full Documentary Secrets Of The Dead Catastrophe Part Two Full Documentary ➨ Time Travellers Women Of Lesbos Full .
Top Documentary Films: The Real Story Behind The Lost City of Atlantis - Full Documentary Myths about Atlantis continue to be created, and I know that in my .
Discovery Atlantis - The Search For Atlantis (Secret Lost History Documentary) The search for Atlantis - one of the greatest mysteries of the ancient world.
The Real Story Behind The Lost City of Atlantis - Full Documentary Secrets Of The Dead Catastrophe Part Two Full Documentary ➨ Time Travellers Women Of .
wn.com/The Real Story Behind The Lost City Of Atlantis Full Documentary
The Real Story Behind The Lost City of Atlantis - Full Documentary Secrets Of The Dead Catastrophe Part Two Full Documentary ➨ Time Travellers Women Of Lesbos Full .
Top Documentary Films: The Real Story Behind The Lost City of Atlantis - Full Documentary Myths about Atlantis continue to be created, and I know that in my .
Discovery Atlantis - The Search For Atlantis (Secret Lost History Documentary) The search for Atlantis - one of the greatest mysteries of the ancient world.
The Real Story Behind The Lost City of Atlantis - Full Documentary Secrets Of The Dead Catastrophe Part Two Full Documentary ➨ Time Travellers Women Of .
- published: 10 Oct 2015
- views: 0
Akuntsu - Now in High Quality! (Full Documentary)
Our cameras are the first to travel to Rondonia, a dangerous place in the heart of the Amazon. In this setting, we will witness the bloody conflict between nati...
Our cameras are the first to travel to Rondonia, a dangerous place in the heart of the Amazon. In this setting, we will witness the bloody conflict between natives and landowners for possession of the land. Alongside the six members of one of the smaller ethnic groups involved, the Akuntsu, our team carried out a study, revealing the web of political and financial interests engaged in this conflict. This is definitely a document of both journalistic and anthropological value, delving into the present-day world of Amazonia.
Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE here for more amazing docs!: http://goo.gl/vNINO4
SUSCRÍBETE al canal y descubre los mundos y las culturas más fascinantes: http://goo.gl/vNINO4
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wn.com/Akuntsu Now In High Quality (Full Documentary)
Our cameras are the first to travel to Rondonia, a dangerous place in the heart of the Amazon. In this setting, we will witness the bloody conflict between natives and landowners for possession of the land. Alongside the six members of one of the smaller ethnic groups involved, the Akuntsu, our team carried out a study, revealing the web of political and financial interests engaged in this conflict. This is definitely a document of both journalistic and anthropological value, delving into the present-day world of Amazonia.
Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE here for more amazing docs!: http://goo.gl/vNINO4
SUSCRÍBETE al canal y descubre los mundos y las culturas más fascinantes: http://goo.gl/vNINO4
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Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NewAtlantisDocumentales
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- published: 09 Oct 2015
- views: 4585
lost city of atlantis 2014 - National Geographic Full Documentary 2014
lost city of atlantis 2014 - National Geographic Full Documentary 2014 FACEBOOK : Welcome To My Channel Documentary ! like subscribe for more video .
Top Docum...
lost city of atlantis 2014 - National Geographic Full Documentary 2014 FACEBOOK : Welcome To My Channel Documentary ! like subscribe for more video .
Top Documentary Films: The Real Story Behind The Lost City of Atlantis - Full Documentary Myths about Atlantis continue to be created, and I know that in my .
Mystery Documentary 2015 - The lost city of ATLANTIS Full Documentary HD mystery documentary national geographic, mystery documentary 2015, mystery .
The Lost City Of Atlantis Full Documentary Black Sea Atlantis Spottydogg Method: . The Mysteries of Black Sea Atlantis .
wn.com/Lost City Of Atlantis 2014 National Geographic Full Documentary 2014
lost city of atlantis 2014 - National Geographic Full Documentary 2014 FACEBOOK : Welcome To My Channel Documentary ! like subscribe for more video .
Top Documentary Films: The Real Story Behind The Lost City of Atlantis - Full Documentary Myths about Atlantis continue to be created, and I know that in my .
Mystery Documentary 2015 - The lost city of ATLANTIS Full Documentary HD mystery documentary national geographic, mystery documentary 2015, mystery .
The Lost City Of Atlantis Full Documentary Black Sea Atlantis Spottydogg Method: . The Mysteries of Black Sea Atlantis .
- published: 09 Oct 2015
- views: 0
Horizon Atlantis Uncovered (Full Documentary)
Horizon Atlantis Uncovered (Full Documentary) Documentary,2015, Full Documentary, New Documentary, Top Documentaries, Documentaries,HD,2015, documentary films,d...
Horizon Atlantis Uncovered (Full Documentary) Documentary,2015, Full Documentary, New Documentary, Top Documentaries, Documentaries,HD,2015, documentary films,documentary,
Believe in Atlantis and you're a fascist. That's the message from yet another biased, misleading and propaganda-filled BBC Horizon programme. Not all of them .
Horizon Atlantis Uncovered (Full Documentary) Documentary,2015, Full Documentary, New Documentary, Top Documentaries, Documentaries,HD,2015, .
Horizon - Atlantis Uncovered [Full Episode] Secrets Of The Dead Catastrophe Part Two Full Documentary ➨ Time Travellers Women Of Lesbos Full . Horizon .
wn.com/Horizon Atlantis Uncovered (Full Documentary)
Horizon Atlantis Uncovered (Full Documentary) Documentary,2015, Full Documentary, New Documentary, Top Documentaries, Documentaries,HD,2015, documentary films,documentary,
Believe in Atlantis and you're a fascist. That's the message from yet another biased, misleading and propaganda-filled BBC Horizon programme. Not all of them .
Horizon Atlantis Uncovered (Full Documentary) Documentary,2015, Full Documentary, New Documentary, Top Documentaries, Documentaries,HD,2015, .
Horizon - Atlantis Uncovered [Full Episode] Secrets Of The Dead Catastrophe Part Two Full Documentary ➨ Time Travellers Women Of Lesbos Full . Horizon .
- published: 08 Oct 2015
- views: 0
The lost city of ATLANTIS - Full Documentary
The lost city of ATLANTIS - Full Documentary The lost city of ATLANTIS - Full Documentary.
in search of the lost world of atlantis (documentary). thanks for ...
The lost city of ATLANTIS - Full Documentary The lost city of ATLANTIS - Full Documentary.
in search of the lost world of atlantis (documentary). thanks for watching. history life discovery science technology tech learning education national nature .
Atlantis, the city that mysteriously disappeared. In this documentary you'll find out the truth about Atlantis and what really happened! atlantis sea world lost .
BBC TV Documentary - Horizon The Lost World Of Lake Vostok. Copyright BBC MM. Uploaded for information and sharing only.
wn.com/The Lost City Of Atlantis Full Documentary
The lost city of ATLANTIS - Full Documentary The lost city of ATLANTIS - Full Documentary.
in search of the lost world of atlantis (documentary). thanks for watching. history life discovery science technology tech learning education national nature .
Atlantis, the city that mysteriously disappeared. In this documentary you'll find out the truth about Atlantis and what really happened! atlantis sea world lost .
BBC TV Documentary - Horizon The Lost World Of Lake Vostok. Copyright BBC MM. Uploaded for information and sharing only.
- published: 06 Oct 2015
- views: 0
The Wave That Destroyed Atlantis (Full Documentary) (2015)
The Wave That Destroyed Atlantis (Full Documentary) (2015) Documentary,2015,...
The Wave That Destroyed Atlantis (Full Documentary) (2015) Documentary,2015,
wn.com/The Wave That Destroyed Atlantis (Full Documentary) (2015)
The Wave That Destroyed Atlantis (Full Documentary) (2015) Documentary,2015,
- published: 05 Oct 2015
- views: 0
The lost city of Atlantis - Full Documentary HD
Why is it that after thousands of years, so many of us still search for the answer to this mystery? Did it exist or didn't it. We can't seem to let go of it, as...
Why is it that after thousands of years, so many of us still search for the answer to this mystery? Did it exist or didn't it. We can't seem to let go of it, as if deep down we know it existed, as though we possess some collective memory of it within our subconcious, which doesn't let us accept it as myth. Like the ghost of someone long gone that lingers on until the mystery of their death has been resolved and they can finally be at peace, their story having been told.
Ever since the first recorded history of Atlantis, written by the Greek philosopher Plato over 2,360 years ago, debate has raged as to whether or not Atlantis ever really existed. Plato described it as an extraordinary Utopian society, thriving around 9,600 BC, which valued peace, art and wisdom, possessed advanced technological knowledge for the time, and enjoyed riches beyond that of any subsequent civilization. The land was said to have been very fertile, with abundant food, water, animals, wood, and flowers. But, as the story goes, after several generations of ruling the leaders became increasingly greedy and corrupt, and started to wage war on their neighbouring countries. They conquered parts of North Africa and Europe and were about to attack Egypt and Athens, when the Athenian army valiantly drove them back and defeated them. It is shortly after this victory by the Athenians that violent and devastating earthquakes, and the resulting tidal waves and floods, destroyed the Athenian army, as well as the entire Island continent of Atlantis, submerging it beneath the sea "in a single day and night".
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wn.com/The Lost City Of Atlantis Full Documentary Hd
Why is it that after thousands of years, so many of us still search for the answer to this mystery? Did it exist or didn't it. We can't seem to let go of it, as if deep down we know it existed, as though we possess some collective memory of it within our subconcious, which doesn't let us accept it as myth. Like the ghost of someone long gone that lingers on until the mystery of their death has been resolved and they can finally be at peace, their story having been told.
Ever since the first recorded history of Atlantis, written by the Greek philosopher Plato over 2,360 years ago, debate has raged as to whether or not Atlantis ever really existed. Plato described it as an extraordinary Utopian society, thriving around 9,600 BC, which valued peace, art and wisdom, possessed advanced technological knowledge for the time, and enjoyed riches beyond that of any subsequent civilization. The land was said to have been very fertile, with abundant food, water, animals, wood, and flowers. But, as the story goes, after several generations of ruling the leaders became increasingly greedy and corrupt, and started to wage war on their neighbouring countries. They conquered parts of North Africa and Europe and were about to attack Egypt and Athens, when the Athenian army valiantly drove them back and defeated them. It is shortly after this victory by the Athenians that violent and devastating earthquakes, and the resulting tidal waves and floods, destroyed the Athenian army, as well as the entire Island continent of Atlantis, submerging it beneath the sea "in a single day and night".
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- published: 05 Oct 2015
- views: 3
Don Quixote of the Jungle - Now in High Quality! (Full Documentary)
In this chapter we meet Sydney Possuelo, head of FUNAI isolated Indians department and leading advocate of these indigenous peoples. His life and work have alwa...
In this chapter we meet Sydney Possuelo, head of FUNAI isolated Indians department and leading advocate of these indigenous peoples. His life and work have always been aimed at achieving a just future for these people. He will tell us that the battle is not yet lost, but not won at all. We will know which are their likes and phobias, and we will discover with him the complex maze made by the presence of uncontacted tribes in the twenty-first century Brazil.
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wn.com/Don Quixote Of The Jungle Now In High Quality (Full Documentary)
In this chapter we meet Sydney Possuelo, head of FUNAI isolated Indians department and leading advocate of these indigenous peoples. His life and work have always been aimed at achieving a just future for these people. He will tell us that the battle is not yet lost, but not won at all. We will know which are their likes and phobias, and we will discover with him the complex maze made by the presence of uncontacted tribes in the twenty-first century Brazil.
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- published: 03 Oct 2015
- views: 3239
Ancient City Finding Atlantis Full Documentary | SPACE & DISCOVERY CHANNEL
Ancient City Finding Atlantis Full Documentary | SPACE & DISCOVERY CHANNEL.
Doomsday Prophecies When The Earth Stops Spinning : https://youtu.be/wS6EwRt605w
Ancient City Finding Atlantis Full Documentary | SPACE & DISCOVERY CHANNEL.
Doomsday Prophecies When The Earth Stops Spinning : https://youtu.be/wS6EwRt605w
Death of The Universe Space Full Documetnary : https://youtu.be/pxWPgP5BA2k
Snaked Science Full Documentary Death of The Sun : https://youtu.be/R77L9_EgXf4
National Geographic Special Extreme Ice Full Documentary : https://youtu.be/lKsr66jJIeg
National Geographic Earth Overhaul Amazing Documentary Films : https://youtu.be/Uld95di-FfE
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Could the fabled lost city of Atlantis have been located? Join the experts who will take you closer to solving one of the world's greatest mysteries in Finding Atlantis.
For thousands of years the legend of Atlantis has fascinated humanity. From the ancient Greeks to Columbus to the Nazis, many have sought out this fantastical city. But, despite the best efforts of generations of adventurers, archaeologists and explorers, no one has ever managed to determine its whereabouts or even if it actually existed.
In Finding Atlantis, join a team of archaeologists, geologists, divers and dreamers, who believe that they have located the site of this most famous city of ancient times. As the team deploys the latest techniques - including satellite imaging, sonar and ground-penetrating radar to explore their theories, they take to the sea and air of southern Spain in search of the truth.
Could some dusty ruins and a gigantic marsh really signal the final resting place of this once-mighty civilisation?
wn.com/Ancient City Finding Atlantis Full Documentary | Space Discovery Channel
Ancient City Finding Atlantis Full Documentary | SPACE & DISCOVERY CHANNEL.
Doomsday Prophecies When The Earth Stops Spinning : https://youtu.be/wS6EwRt605w
Death of The Universe Space Full Documetnary : https://youtu.be/pxWPgP5BA2k
Snaked Science Full Documentary Death of The Sun : https://youtu.be/R77L9_EgXf4
National Geographic Special Extreme Ice Full Documentary : https://youtu.be/lKsr66jJIeg
National Geographic Earth Overhaul Amazing Documentary Films : https://youtu.be/Uld95di-FfE
About US : ►Don't Forget SUBSCRIBES For Me !
SUBSCRIBES : https://goo.gl/NsdvYG
Google + : https://goo.gl/oDSVvX
Could the fabled lost city of Atlantis have been located? Join the experts who will take you closer to solving one of the world's greatest mysteries in Finding Atlantis.
For thousands of years the legend of Atlantis has fascinated humanity. From the ancient Greeks to Columbus to the Nazis, many have sought out this fantastical city. But, despite the best efforts of generations of adventurers, archaeologists and explorers, no one has ever managed to determine its whereabouts or even if it actually existed.
In Finding Atlantis, join a team of archaeologists, geologists, divers and dreamers, who believe that they have located the site of this most famous city of ancient times. As the team deploys the latest techniques - including satellite imaging, sonar and ground-penetrating radar to explore their theories, they take to the sea and air of southern Spain in search of the truth.
Could some dusty ruins and a gigantic marsh really signal the final resting place of this once-mighty civilisation?
- published: 02 Oct 2015
- views: 1
Korubo, a fight to the end - Now in high quality! (Full Documentary)
Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE here for more amazing docs!: http://goo.gl/vNINO4
SUSCRÍBETE al canal y descubre los mundos y las culturas más fascinantes: http://go...
Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE here for more amazing docs!: http://goo.gl/vNINO4
SUSCRÍBETE al canal y descubre los mundos y las culturas más fascinantes: http://goo.gl/vNINO4
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wn.com/Korubo, A Fight To The End Now In High Quality (Full Documentary)
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SUSCRÍBETE al canal y descubre los mundos y las culturas más fascinantes: http://goo.gl/vNINO4
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- published: 26 Sep 2015
- views: 11633